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Auriga Constellation

Auriga is a constellation rich in various types of nebulae, each with its own unique characteristics.

Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405): This emission & reflection nebula is one of the prominent features in Auriga. It exhibits a combination of BLUE reflection nebula and RED emission nebula, named for its vivid red hue. IC 405 is illuminated by the star AE Aurigae.

Date of observation: March 19th, Dec 19,20,21, 2023

Credits: Robert G. Lyons/Telescope Live.
Location: IC Astronomy Observatory, Spain
Camera: QHY 600M, Filters: SHO
Telescope: SPA-1CMOS | Takahashi FSQ 106ED
Processing: Astro Pixel Processor, Pixinsight, Photoshop

Cosmic Goat Herder

In ancient Mesopotamia and Babylonia, Auriga was like a cosmic goat-herder, a celestial shepherd for the stars. Bedouin stargazers kept the tradition alive, seeing Auriga as a whole herd of goats. Even the Greeks joined in, but they imagined Auriga as a charioteer instead of a goatherd!

If you're out stargazing and spy a hexagon up there, above the Orion's belt, that's Auriga! But the real star of the show is Capella, shining bright as the sixth sparkliest star in our night sky.

Capella's got a story, too! It's named after Amalthea, the mythical she-goat from Greek legends. In Arabic, it simply means "the goat."

And hey, once you spot Capella, check out nearby for "THE KIDS".